20 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - Answers in Genesis Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 20 book, colour illustrated pocket-guide bible science series—the perfect size for...
5 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - Dinosaurs, Evolution, Missing Links & More Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 5 book, colour illustrated pocket-guide bible science series—the perfect...
5 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - The Earth, The Universe, Astronomy, & More Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 5 book, colour illustrated pocket-guide bible science series—the...
5 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - The Global Flood, Noah’s Ark, The Tower of Babel, & More Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 5 book, colour illustrated...
5 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - UFO’s & ET’s, Social Issues, Climate Change, & More Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 5 book, colour illustrated pocket-guide bible...
UFOs & ETs: A Biblical and Cultural Exploration of Aliens What are we to make of the many UFO sightings that have been reported? Have aliens visited earth? What does...
Dinosaurs:Is There a Biblical Explanation? What really happened to the dinosaurs? Did they live and then die out millions of years ago? Or have they lived recently, alongside man? Did...
Evolution & Darwin How did Charles Darwin come to believe in evolution? What is natural selection? Did a family tragedy turn him from Christianity? Did Darwin finally convert to Christianity?...
Human Missing Links: Did Humans Really Evolve From Ape-Like Creatures? Did humans evolve from apelike creatures? Have scientists found fossils of the missing link? Does the similarity between human and...
Science vs. the Bible: Is There a Conflict? Does science, by definition, have to be materialistic? Is there a difference between operational science and historical science? Does a belief in...
Astronomy: What is the Biblical Perspective? Did the universe start with a big bang? Does distant starlight prove the universe is old? What are black holes and how do they...
Best Evidences: Science and the Bible Refute Millions of Years What is the best evidence for a young earth? What are presuppositions, and how do they figure into the age-of-the-earth...